Physical Therapy has been known for several years to be something that is helpful, reliable and trustworthy. What would happen if that trust was broken? Well, it certain parts of the country, that is happening. It is illegal for a physical therapist to work for medical corporations. If a physical therapists has their own practice and your primary doctor wants to give you a referral or recommendation, that’s fine. However, once the doctor provides you with a physical therapist that “works” for them, there is trouble. If a doctor owns a physical therapy clinic, then they may over-prescribe patients to the clinic in order to benefit themselves. Doctors who conduct these actions have stacked up millions of dollars from healthcare. Not only are they gaining a handful of money from their patients, but the services they are providing for their patients are extremely poor to many who have experience.
In California, NBC has reported several cases of this type of action. Patients who were suffering from serious pain and injuries believed that their pain would go away quickly after a speedy recovery from physical therapy. Nevertheless, they found that their pain was staying or in some cases, getting worse. Some of the physical therapists that the doctors would reffer their patients to were not even licensed physical therapists. That’s right, unqualified people were handling the bodies and well being of many americans. According to a patient that was shown on NBC, she claimed that she would only have a 15-minute sessions instead of 45 minutes. She also stated that the sessions were not supervised very well and no attention was shown to her during her visits. This same patient explained how she saw the physical therapist’s assistant once, and even saw an intern when the assistant and physical therapists were both out; the patient was still charged the same amount–even for the intern.
Imagine working with an intern who is still currently in school, and probably only has a bachelor’s degree or no degree at all. That person is claiming to be your physical therapists and charging you the same funds as a licensed and well-experienced physical therapists would. Actions against the illegal activities are being put into place very soon, but have yet to be acted upon as of now. In California, press releases and coverage on major news stations is helping in spreading the word on watch to be watchful for when seeking a physical therapist.
It is imperative that your body is the hands of the right individual, a trustful, experienced and honest physician who will provide you with the help you need in order to feel pain-free and healthy. When searching for a physical therapist, do your research. It is always good to do your research before doing anything, but when it comes to your physical well being, it is extra important. Most physicians around the country are highly trustworthy and professional. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much. Just make sure that you are not being taken advantage of when it comes to getting the proper and deserved treatment you need and getting it done at an affordable and appropriate price.
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