Physical therapists often have a difficult time getting their clients to walk through the door. There is plenty of demand for physical therapist services and plenty of physical therapists to provide, but something is missing. What these doctors don’t learn in school is how to market themselves. They can help fix your whiplash or massage your knee to help you function again, but they are not taught how to get patients to come for a visit. So what do you do? The first thing a patient will most likely see is your website. It is imperative to make a good first impression be sure your site is clear and concise. You want your potential patient to know the services you offer and other important information like locations and accepted insurance plans. Over time you can add patient testimonials to your private practice site to increase credibility and reputation. It’s important to be creative and think outside the office. Local events can be a great opportunity for you to broadcast yourself to the community. Never underestimate an opportunity to get your name out there with a business card. A business card is the one physical thing a potential patient can walk away with after meeting you. Hand them out whenever you can and keep some with you at all times. The little details are very important. Stick to your scheduled times to make the patient feel like their time is valuable, and they will respect yours. Provide clear instructions for at home exercises and references they can use to help them in case they forget. Always provide resources and contact information. In the beginning acquiring patients will take some effort but once you have established a good reputation, your practice can easily take off. The possibilities are endless! Is your practice in need of additional referrals? We specialize in making your phone ring and getting you new evals each month.
Give us a call or email us for more information on how to become a partner on the Physical Therapist Finder website.